Snake and Ghost story:
Snake is a man who looks many years for Metal Gear.He wants to kill it.Boby is the man who has the Metal Gear solid.Snake is the hero from the Metal Gear Solid game.He has got this creepy name nickname cause he hides like a ghost,and...propeply...he is snaky!
Ghost is a man who looks for the person who killed his members and his family.Ofcourse,he wants to kill him.He also wants a robot that this person who killed his family and mebers STOLE some years ago.He is a "ghost" from the (call of duty) Modern Warfare 2 game.He doesn't show his face,the ghost.
in this page you'll be able to watch all the videos with MGS Snake and MW2 Ghost!
Snake and ghost after dentist:
do dragoncon 2010
here you can watch all the modern warafer 2 meets metal gear solid movies!
part 2...and all parts that have been published!
see a double rainbow